You can use P2P E-CDN Service Providers by following the configuration instructions below.
To do so, you need to connect your project from Strivecast or Peer5 and pass the options to the configuration. You cannot use both services in parallel.
<div id="player"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var js3qVideoPlayer = new js3q({
dataid: '5c3b0910-8850-11e7-9273-002590c750be',
container: 'player',
p2p: {
peer5: 'your-peer5-project-id',
<div id="player"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var js3qVideoPlayer = new js3q({
dataid: '5c3b0910-8850-11e7-9273-002590c750be',
container: 'player',
p2p: {
strive: {
accountId: 'your-strive-account-id' // This must be passed as string
deploymentId: 'your-strive-deployment-id' // This must be passed as string